Alexey Yakovlev
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File downloads

File Downloads

The software published on this page is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation (unless otherwise noted). You are free to use any version of this license. The original versions of the software projects are copyrighted by me, Alexey Yakovlev.

These programs are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.


Compiler version0.02 beta, build 150 (2003/07/06 21:42:48)
Output formatTASM-compatible assembly language
ImplementationYalgol/02 (build 150 or greater)
Host platformWin32, DOS/32rtm
Target platformWin32, DOS/32rtm
  • (168 kbytes)
    Full source code for Yalgol/02 compiler for Win32 and DOS/32rtm platforms, including the run-time library source code and startup code. The archive also contains pre-compiled binary of Yalgol/02 compiler.

  • (608 kbytes)
    Assembler (TASM 5.0), linker (ALink 1.6a based on ALink 1.6 by Anthony A. J. Williams), make (Borland MAKE 4.0) and Win32 API functions import library.

  • (15 kbytes)
    Colorer 4ever syntax highlighing schemes for Yalgol, Why, Slang and Brainf*ck languages, formal grammar (BNF) and Yalgol/02 compiler syntax trees.

  • project information

Other projects

Brainf*ck compiler

Version0.00 alpha (January 2003)
Output formatplain COM-files
ImplementationAssembly (TASM)
Host platformDOS/Windows
Target platformDOS/Windows

Hypertext compressor

LanguageHTML + Javascript/CSS/PHP
Version0.01 delta (November 2000)
ImplementationPerl 5
Host platformWin32, Linux, UNIX
Target platform

Outdated projects


LanguageWhy not a programming language?
Compiler version0.06 gamma (September 2000)
Output formatTASM-compatible assembly language
ImplementationBorland Pascal
Host platformMS/PC-DOS or Windows 95/98/2000
Target platformDOS4G/W or compatible extender

Besides all those files, the project requires TASM 5.0 (Copyright © Borland International) and WLINK 11.0 (Copyright © These tools are distributed as a parts of the following free packages: Borland C++ 5.0 (Borland International) and WATCOM C/C++ 11.0 ( If you can't find one of those programs for some reason, try to use the link below (I hope I'm not violating someone's copyrights by distributing this file):

  • (460 kbytes) – assembler and linker (in a minimal configuration required by this project)


LanguageJust Another Data Definition Scripting Language
Compiler version0.00 alpha (January 2001)
ImplementationBorland Pascal
Host platformMS/PC-DOS or Windows 95/98/2000
Target platform


  • (19 kbytes) – UUEXE, UU-encoder for MSDOS executables.

    This utility can convert plain DOS COM-files into ASCII text files still leaving them executable. Like usual UUEs, the resulting files contain only ASCII symbols, but they remain COM files. The archive contains program binary, full source code (Pascal + TASM) and brief technical documentation (in English only).

  • (18 kbytes) – x2com, EXE to COM convertor.

    Converts DOS EXE-files into old good COM format. Written for those Turbo Pascal users who desires to have COM-files. It is also the good companion for UUEXE which allows to process all EXEs having the appropriate size. It can also be used as a teaching aid for the students of my specialty. The archive contains program binary with Pascal and assembly source code.

  • (19 kbytes) – Jabberwock conversion tool.

    Converts text files from DOS-866 into Windows-1251 codepage (or back). For example, if you type HTML-text using your favorite editor ;)
    The archive contains program binary with Pascal source code.

  • (37 kbytes) – Screen Saver Launcher

    Launches the current screen saver of Windows 9x/NT/2000. Place the shortcut to your desktop and enjoy. The archive contains program binary with Delphi source code.

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